It's time to explore darker themes with Levi & Eren. From cheating and gaslighting all the way through to torture, incest, and kidnapping. Let your imagination run wild and unleash those hidden away ideas with other like-minded individuals!!This even runs from the 25th to the 31st of October, 2023.


DAY 1 - OCT 25TH: Lying, Gaslighting, & Cheating
Deceit, mind games, and hidden affairs! Whose partner is being left behind, and who is left to wonder if what they're hearing is really the truth?
We'll never lie about our love for such secrets!

DAY 2 - OCT 26TH: Omegaverse, Ownership, & Auction
Caught and sold to the highest bidder, or bought as a display of alpha superiority; this day is all about selling and buying... but who is doing what?
Wonder how this one came to be!

DAY 3 - OCT 27TH: Power Abuse, Blackmail, & Underage
Sometimes, one needs to learn their place. And if they don't know where it is, then they'll learn to behave, or else... We don't want to know what's going to happen, do we? No, of course not~
Take control with this prompt and do as you please!

DAY 4 - OCT 28TH: Bruises, Blood, & Torture
Skin decorated in pretty yellows and blues, or do you prefer traces of red, seeping out and dribbling down? We're eager to hear delicious screams and cries—Is it ecstasy or agony?
Get brutal and do whatever you want with this idea!

DAY 5 - OCT 29TH: Obsession, Kidnapping, & Drugging
Hmm, does this drink taste weird? It couldn't have anything to do with the constantly watching eyes, the click of a camera lens, always on the mind, can't get enough...!
Can't get this prompt out of our head, it HAS to be ours!

DAY 6 - OCT 30TH: Feminisation, Pregnancy, and Incest
Don't you think such a pretty thing deserves to wear equally as pretty clothes? With a round belly to help accentuate the shape~ Maybe it's wrong to have such thoughts...
Dress them up all nice and pretty, or maybe undress them!

DAY 7 - OCT 31ST: Free Day!
As the event comes to a close, we're handing over the reins for YOU to decide what dark trope or kink you'd like to explore. You're the one in control this time, so we're listening closely and watching hungrily.
Let that dark imagination of yours run wild!


How do I participate?
Here's a twitter post that has everything explained with images, if you prefer!
If you are a writer, you can sign up for each prompt on our AO3 Collection.
When tagging on Twitter, you can use either of the following and we will see it: #prob-LE-matic or #KACDen.
We encourage the use of dynamic tags such as: #Rivaere, #Ereri, #Rivaereri, #Riren,
#リヴァエレ , and #エレリ.
For AO3: prob-LE-matic
Do I have to be part of the Discord to join?
No, you don't have to be in our Server! We'd love to have you, but it isn't a requirement.
I don't write, can I still join?
Yes, absolutely! Fanfiction, twitter threads, fanart, doujins, comics, graphics, aesthetics, moodboards, GIFs, and all forms of creative content are welcome.
Does my creation have to be in English?
No! Any and all languages are encouraged. This community is vast and varied and we welcome diversity.
Does it have to be SFW/NSFW? Can I write Dead Dove?
Any and all content is encouraged, as long as appropriate tags/warnings are used.
What dynamics are allowed? Can I do Ereri/Switch?
All are allowed. We don't bar creativity based on dynamics. The Discord Server is Rivaere/Riren-only, but we don't want to hamper your ideas!
Is there a limit or a minimum/maximum?
Not at all. There are NO requirements nor a minimum or maximum participation amount. You can elect to only create for ONE of the prompt days of a week-long event, and we would still be THRILLED!
Why can't I fulfil my prompt?
The dates haven't arrived yet! When the 25th of October 2023 arrives, you will be able to post your works.
How many prompts can I claim?
As many or as little as you would like! Only one is fine, or all 7 is acceptable too!


All forms of creative content are welcomed here! This includes but is not limited to; fanart, fanfiction, fanedits, Twitter threads, graphics, doujins, comics, aesthetics, moodboards, GIFs, Playlists, and many other forms of creativity.Only submit your creations! Please do not repost old works of yours. Unposted works that fit the prompts are definitely acceptable! If someone else's content is used in your submission, please give credit and, where possible, gain permission beforehand!Tag your creations appropriately! Explicit and NSFW works should be marked blatantly. DDDNE & other content warnings, such as character death, violence, gore, rape, etc. should be listed. AO3 has a lovely tagging system, so make use of it!We welcome all of your headcanons! This includes trans characters, sexual/romantic orientations, nationality/race, AUs, crossovers, and anything in between. Share with us all of your content and ideas!It's okay to be late! Life can be a struggle, or maybe you just want to take your time with your creations, and that's okay! You are welcome to let our mods know and we will keep an eye out for when you finish up, even if it's days or weeks after the prompt date.